Greening the Grey

Greening the Grey

These video were produced, recorded and edited by myself as part of a National Environmental Research Council (NERC) funded project. The project was Led by the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and is part of the Edinburgh Living Landscape partnership. The project was about increasing the biodiversity along the Edinburgh coastline by creating green infrastructures.

Greening the Grey - Introduction

Greening the Grey is a short film about turning 27km of Edinburgh's coastline into a living laboratory by encouraging naturalisation of sea defences. Led by the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, this project is part of the Edinburgh Living Landscape partnership.

Greening the Grey - Public Engemnet for Reserachers

Greening the Grey is a project that involves turning 27km of Edinburgh's coastline into a living laboratory by encouraging naturalisation of sea defences. Led by the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, this project is part of the Edinburgh Living Landscape partnership. This video is best viewed by researchers and academics wanting to learn about the public engagement of Greening the Grey.