Get to know the world’s most endangered plants – an introduction to cycads

Cycads are a model group for both education and science communication because of their incredible evolutionary history, ancient origin, and conservation threats. Cycads are at risk due to illegal poaching, over-collection, and habitat loss, and communicating these threats is very important to cycad survival. In a highly connected world, science communication is vital and online media can quickly get the message across. 

This video provides an informative introduction to the cycads for scientists and non-scientists alike. The video introduces the Cycad Specialist Group (CSG), and explains cycad history, morphology, diversity, and reproduction. It is freely available on the CSG website (, VIMEO, and YouTube. We hope the video will become a resource for all those who have an interest in getting to know and conserving the cycads. 

For more information about cycads or the Cycad Specialist Group please refer to the